Ki Hadjar Dewantara
Ki Hadjar Dewantara
first name is Raden Mas Suwardi Suryaningrat. He
was born in Yogyakarta, May 2, 1889. Ki Hadjar Dewantara Pakualam III is a
descendant of the father named KPH Suryaningrat. During
his life, he always fought for the welfare of the natives and the independence
of Indonesia. Ki
Hadjar Dewantara at sides became a National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia
through Presidential Decree No. 305 of 1959 on
28 November 1959.
As a youth, Ki Hadjar
Dewantara is a student in STOVIA (STOVIA), but did not graduate because of
student duties revoked. After
that he worked in the laboratory of a sugar factory in Banyumas, Central Java,
and became an assistant pharmacist in Yogyakarta.Namun, because it was not
suitable, Ki Hadjar Dewantara eventually chose to become a journalist. He
wrote in many newspapers, including Sedyotomo, Midden Java, De Express,
Oetoesan Indies, Kaoem Moeda, Tjahaja Timoer and Poesara. His
writings are very communicative and able to evoke the spirit of the
anti-colonial indigenous peoples.
To defend the natives,
he never joined the Boedi Utomo. He
also founded Indies Partijpada December 25, 1912. The party is boldly demanding
the independence of Indonesia. Hence
Ki Hadjar Dewantara joint founder of the Indische Partij another E.F.E. Douwes
Dekker and Cipto Mangunkusumo was arrested and exiled to the Netherlands on
September 6, 1913. They just may come back to their homeland in July 1919.
On his return he did
not "give up", from Semarang via Persatoean Hindiaia re-engage in the
movement that he must go to prison until 1921. After that he returned to
Yogyakarta and establish Nationaal Instituut Onderwijs Tamansiswa on July 3,
1922 with the slogan "ngarso ing sung tulodo, ing
madyo Mangun Karso, tut wuri handayani ".Sekolah Taman Siswa was dissolved
on March 13, 1944 when Indonesia occupied Japan. However,
Ki Hajar Dewantara not surrender, he was involved in the People Power Center
(Putera) and continued to be active in education.
After Indonesia's
independence in 1945, Taman Siswa active again and Ki Hajar Dewantara appointed
Minister of Education of Indonesia. At
the age of 69 years, exactly on April 26, 1959, Ki Hajar Dewantara died and was
buried at the Taman Wijaya Brata, Yogyakarta.
Because the services
during their life, awarded Mr. Ki Hajar Dewantara National Education of
Indonesia and the day of his birth which is dated May 2 serve as National
Education Day.
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